Saturday, August 22, 2009

Order in the Court!

It's time for school dreams, as I prepare to go back to work. Sure, I haven occasional work dream, but they are most prevalent during this time

Yesterday, I left my TE textbook in the car, so I didn't do any reading last night. infiltrated my dreams...

It was night, of course, and time for school to start. Only, school was in an indoor, carpeted shopping mall.

I entered the mall and wandered around the third floor trying to find my room. Next to me was a colleague, Mr. H; his room was very narrow and crowded. I found my door at last and entered to find that my room was very spacious, much more so than in reality. It looked like a court room, with my desk tucked behind a large wall up on a platform. Apprently, I get to be the judge. The only problem: even though I am a 20+ yr teacher, I must travel to different classrooms for two periods. As first period ends, I prepare for the 2 block walk to another building for my 2nd period, but I don't have my teacher's edition textbook to bring with me.

Knowing that the students are waiting for me in this other building, I rush to find my book as the other teacher in my room begins his class. I see through a wired space into a warehouse next door (a la Costco) that textbooks are stored there. I lure a kid away from his classwork and tell him to get my book off the warehouse shelf. I point, and of course he can't find it. He goes the wrong direction about five times before he finds the book for me.

My frustration is building because I know that students are standing outside a door waiting for me, and I might not only lose the kids, but I'll get in trouble. Finally I get the book in my hands and make my way to the other class. It's a long trek, and I'm very late. The other building is dark and red-carpted. I have trouble finding the elevator in the long maze of hallways. Once I enter the elevator, I see that I am given only one choice of the 2nd floor - the very one I'm looking for. But no one is there - the students have left, and I know I'm in trouble.

I return to the mall, but I enter on the wrong side, so it's a long walk back to my class - which I cannot find! I enter various rooms, but none of them are mine. I pass by a shopping area and think to myself, "Great! I can shop before and after school !)", but I must trudge on for now. After trying many doors, I find mine - with another class of students in it. I realise that I did not pick up after myself before this class came in, so I go to the front "bench" and hide my chocolate before the kids see it. There is some more blurred confusion before the dream ends.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Just Want to Dance

A small group of people, including my mother, decide to go dancing with me. We all get dressed up in black and walk through a small village to get to the club, a very expensive, exclusive club.

First our younger friends walk through the door and get in, then my mom enters. The host makes her get on a scale, and, when she asks why, he tells her that they club prefers that their women be around 21 years old and very thin.

We both leave immediately, very upset. I just wanted to dance. A representative comes out to talk to us about the incident. She's in her 60's, very short, and she has red hair down to the tops of her ears, curled under (think actress Linda Hunt). She wears black-rimmed eyeglasses that are HUGE on her face, maybe 6" tall and wide, almost larger than her face, with an intricate gold design on the sides.

After listening to her make excuses for not allowing us in the club, I remind her that SHE does not fit the requirements for the club either! I then look at my mom and say, "Discrimination. Class Action Lawsuit!"

Someone's Knocking at the Door

It's evening. I'm inside a house, about to close the front door. As I approach the door, I see a woman coming up the walkway. I slam the door in her face and hit the ground. She peaks in between the cracks of the blinds, but I'm hoping she can't see me on the ground. I look up and see that the blinds have been turned down, leaving me vulnerable. From now on, all blinds will be turned up. She knows I'm there; I know she knows, yet I continue to hide. Some guy named Jody, a friend of another person in the house, is sleeping on the couch. The striped light from the cracks in the blinds lights up the living.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Plastic Hangars

I dreamt about plastic hangers last night. In order to get more, I put all my clothes on my new Joy Mangano hangers, and saved all the plastic ones for something I was hanging. Strange thing..this morning it was National Hanger day on QVC, and Joy Mangano was on throughout the day. ohhhhhhhhh..spooky! :)

Friday, July 24, 2009


Last night's dream began in the dark with me crossing the street to get into my car. At the last minute, I decide to take my motorized scooter, on which I stand. What I don't realize yet, is that the hot dogs and other food for graduation, for which I am responsible, is in the car. I take off for graduation..without it.

I scoot along the streets, and it becomes daylight. As i pass the graduating students, I hold out my foot and wave at them, balancing on my scooter with my other foot. I'm that good.

Suddenly I'm in a room off from the gym and I'm talking to John Cleese (actor) and a teacher from my school (Mr. G). John Cleese is telling me that our students failed last year's exams - and miserably so. Only, he doesn't directly tell me; he hints, with his words and with a diagram on the ground that he is kneeling before.

I finally figure it students didn't know what the various initials mean, so they completely bombed. Initials? Who teaches that in high school?! My first response is to claim that initials are not part of the standards, but then I realize that they are covered by one standard, but the test has more than 8 questions about them this year. Dangit!

I go to the restroom, of course (yes, I woke up later having to go - so it played out in my dreams). After I flush, the toilet overflows, spilling out onto the floor. I remove my pants, walk back into the room in my undies and a sweater, and continue the conversation as if there is nothing wrong or different. :) - even though John Cleese is now naked himself, and Mr. G is gone. I only see Cleese from the chest up in my dreams. Whew! He comes close to me and speaks intimately, rubbing his chest against me. I am uncomfortable, and yet..he is kinda cute (in my dream). Shortly, I return to the bathroom and put some pants on because it's time to leave....fade out (good, hate school dreams, especially in the summer!)

Just when I think it's over, I'm in my classroom, alone, and it's dark again. I'm stapling something to the blue paper on my wall, when it feels like I'm about to fall. A former students walks in with her father and a few little kids. Their faces are blurred and non-distinct, except for that the fact that they are Mexican. Her father helps me down, as the former student tells me that she has been accepted as a student representative to some kind of jury. She's very excited, and I'm happy for her.

We leave the classroom, and the student and I find ourselves outside in a foreign city, unclear which one. I offer to let her use my cab, once I get one, but I turn around to find her getting on a bus, waving goodbye. Again, it becomes night, and I get that common night fear of some danger out there. I begin to walk uphill, looking for a cab the entire time, but there are none to be found. Looking around the city, I contemplate going back down the hill, but in the end, I continue my walk up.

At the peak of the hill is red roof material, but it blends in with the hill, so I march upwards and find myself at the very top of a pointed, slanted roof. It's daytime, and the view of the city is spectacular!

I come across several people walking on the roof, going about their business. They ignore me...with the exception of one man, who looks like Kevin Kline (what's with the celebrity dreams lately?). This man does not tell me his story, but in meeting him, I suddenly know it..and it's just like Cyrano de Bergerac/Roxanne...and I am on top of the roof of a theatre.

I leave him for a moment, in search information? I'm not quite sure, but I come across a man in a booth who is working the lighting and such for the theatre production of Cyrano de Bergerac. I do not tell him the story of the man I just met on the roof, but he knows it. All he says is.."Tell him to see the play. He must see the play." I turn and find another backstage man..who repeats the words to me. They believe he needs to see the play so that he can see the similarities to his life.

I go around the corner to the part of the roof where I met this man, and there he is... dressed like Cyrano ( a Musketeer, complete with a large feather in his hat). He is repeating lines from the play, with one leg up on the top of the pointed roof, and his hands gesturing to the world in a very dramatic fashion. The play is in intermission, and people are wandering all over the roof, wondering what this nut is doing. The sun is shining and a cool wind is blowing, the skies are somewhat hazy. He begins singing his own, indistinguishable lyrics to "La Vie en Rose."

I wait, watch, and awake.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little Mermiad

I was inside a room at an aquarium which held a tank that contained a mermaid. She was at the bottom of the tank, wiggling her tail, as mermaids tend to do, when the tank began to drain! She flopped and had a mermaid-in-the-headlights look on her face. I quickly ran outside to find that my nephew had hit the glass with an object that had created a hole. Inside, the mermaid sat on her waterless rock. Somehow I knew..she would be okay in the air for a short time..just long enough to get her to water again. I went outside to see my nephew hitting the repaired glass, trying to break it again.

Portrait of a King

For some time now, I've been wanting to take up painting. Apparenty, in my dreams, I'm starting with portraiture... of a King. Of what country, you ask? Dunno. He was a large, stocky, thick man, and somewhat dirty from his battles. His head was covered with long, brown dreadlocks, crusty with mud. Lying on his left side, he covered his naked body with a sheet, exposing skin here and there..enough to tantilize, but not embarrass. Later his wife would be posing, lying on her right side, with her feet touching her husbands. I would paint it as one picture, although they posed at different times. I never saw here; I just knew it was the plan. There was more that followed this, but it has since faded in my mind.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Got Gas?

Every once in a while I have a plane dream. Last week, I boarded a plane which took off smoothly. All was going well on this plane, which was large, but had narrow seating - only a row of two chairs on each side. Suddenly, the plane dipped low in front and headed for the groung. This was so real, that I felt sick with fear and tried to wake up.

The plane pulled up slightly as we neared the ground, and it skimmed the ground, building, cars and trees until it landed on the freeway and drove down it a bit. We finally pulled off and drove into a gas station. We all had a chance to get out while the pilot refilled the gas tank, and then we boarded again and continued our trip to some South American country from our current location in some other South American country.

Dark Parking Lot

Lots of dark parking lot dreams lately..two in the last two weeks. Each time I am searching for my car, in the dark. I walk long blocks, even around corners trying to find the car, but I cannot. There's always an unseen danger, a sense of terror all about. If only I could find my would be okay. But I can't.

Wedding Day

I dreamt that somehow I had gotten word that a former friend, Susana, was getting married. I decided to go and see it for myself. The wedding was held in an old theatre, at night. Through the crowded foyer, I made my way to the door of the theatre. It seemed that most of those people where there for reasons other than the wedding. Inside, the wedding was was in progress. The bride, Susana, stepped out of the audience seating and then returned to her seat. I was stunned to see that, rather than traditional white, she was wearing black pants and a black sweater with bright gold trim. I walked along the side to her aisle and entered. My mom stopped her and said, "Susana, I'd like to have a talk with you." I told my mom that it was her wedding day..she has to wait. We continued down the row to our seats. Just beyond us was Susana's family - all in zebra blazers over black outfits. They all got up, passed by us in the row of chairs and went up front. I then awoke.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I dreamt of my late Junior, a most beloved black cocker spaniel. In my dream, he was like a puppy again...running all over, so full of energy, loving and lovable. He bounced around a sliding glass door, waiting to go out, just as he used to do. Of course, he peed all over the floor near a guest who was sleeping in the living room, and again all over the house...just as he used to do. Dumb dog.

But still, I miss him.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

European Travel

I was travelling with a group of people somewhere in Europe. The dream began with a weathered, brown map showing where we were going - deeper into Europe.

We drove around the city a bit and came to a stop in front of an arena where a church service was about to be held. A colleague from work was with us as we gathered our things and headed into the arena. But first - I had to find a place for my bear, yes, you read right, my BEAR and my dog - possibly, my late Fabio, to stay while we were in the service.

Someone took the animals, and we got in line to get a seat. The ceiling was blue and cloudy, much like the ceiling of the shopping forum at Caesar's Palace. The seats were in rows, but scattered, as such theatere seating always is in my dreams. The rows were facing various ways - always with a view of the front, though often at an awkward angle.

We chose a pew with a high back and arms dividing each seat - a tight fit. Of course, I first had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I couldn't find my colleague, and thought maybe she had moved while I wasn't looking. I took another seat, and soon noticed my colleague was in a pew to my left. I had just gotten lost.
It turned out to be a funeral, with a picture of the person of "honor" reflected all over the walls and ceiling. It was unclear who it was, but there was music and words that I have since forgotten.

After the service, I had to find my bear and dog, but I couldn't remember who had them. This, of course, was quite frustrating, as I spent much of the dream then looking for them among all the people. Along a row of tents and vendors, I found a couple of little dogs - not mine- and I then proceeded to try to find out there they were supposed to be kept. Someone should have been minding the dogs, but was neglectful !

They raced up and down the aisles and among the vendors until we chased them to the end of the row. A man in or near a large bathtub said he would keep them. I quickly ran to the van so that we could go home.

Once to the van, I found it to be loaded with people and stuff, so I couldn't get in it! My mom was driving, but never answered when I asked where I should put the stuff or I begged for help in getting in. She just faced forward. I lifted a few things in an attempt, but I was then told I'd have to wait and fly home later with a few other people. There just wasn't room for me.

Suddenly it had grown darker, and there were ten of us in the streets with no where to go. I did know these people, but they were in my party. We walked a few blocks until we came to a hotel lobby on the corner of this vague European city. It was dark, the business lights glowed yellow. I led the group into the lobby and started to ask for a room, when I realized that I did n ot have any money. It was in the van, with my purse, etc.

I turned to my group, but not one of them offered to help me. They didn't have that much money themselves and were unwilling to part with it so that I could have a room.

I walked outside and began to think about what I was going to do and about how I would get home. Two gay men in shorts and tank tops, rolling small suitcases behind them, walked by on their way to a bar next to the hotel lobby. They were cute and fun and began a conversation with me immediately.

Moments after they left me and entered the bar, a woman from the hotel came out. She said the gay men and their buddies were going to pay for me to stay at the hotel, but not this part of it..another part. I rolled my luggage and followed the clerk down the street. She said I had to enter from the front of the church.

I asked if this would be a safe place for me to stay alone, and she responded that it was very safe and much much more expensive than the rooms my friends were staying in. Okay, I'll do it. :) Apparently the gay men were doing this because they liked my hair, according to the desk clerk. She then showed me the bill. They guys has collected $470 for my room for the night.

As the sky grew gray, we passed a raging sea, with wild, tumultuous waves racing up the shore. The clerk warned me not to go near the south side of the hotel, as the waves were very dangerous there.

There near the water was the hotel, whose entrance actually looked more like a gas station with two lanes. I was alone now, and walked up to a stand where the conceirge was standing. He took s ome of the heavy coins from my hand and told me that would cover the room, and then he instructed me to give the rest of the coins to the valet when I left. I assumed he meant as a tip - like I could afford to tip! - this was unclear and left me wondering. I heard him whisper to a c0-worker - "I hope she doesn't order room service. They didn't give her enough for it." Great - I have a great room, but I can't eat tonight.

I went to the elevator, which was just inside from a small passage, and within twisted hallways. I hit the button..and awoke.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Double-Cross

I tried to park a car in my house, down a long narrow hallway. I just wanted it out of the way. Unfortunately, someone beat me to it, and he got the best parking place at the end of the hallway, and to the right where the bedroom begins. How me managed, I do not know.

So, I was forced to park in the front part of the hallway, an easier feat, at least. Slowly, I backed my maroon, 70's-style sedan into a hallway that was a quarter of the car's size. Of course, it fit anyway. This is what makes dreams cool.

There was then some jumbled moments in the dream, and I found myself in a restaurant with my family. In the center was an entrance, with seating areas on either side. Coming in from the middle, my family and I were seated on the left. A loud, obnoxious man, blonde, was seated on the right.

It's unclear what he was doing, but he was harrassing us. We asked the manager to remove the man from the restaurant, and he complied. As we left, so did this strange man, caring a white lamp without a shade. We were scared, but we had to exit anyway.

Outside the restaurant, the man said that all he wanted was to go back and finish his meal. He wasn't ready to leave. I knew he had apologized, yet I never heard the words. I took the lamp from him, and told him I'd go in and give them the lamp to a waitress, who would return it to the man, and I'd tell them that the man has our permission to return and finish his meal.

I went in, but said nothing to the restaurant staff, and I gave his lamp to a woman who was leaving out another door. I had double-crossed the harrasser.

Again, outside, I told this man to wait a minute and then go in to finish his meal and get his lamp, and I ran into the dark parking lot to find my family! I found them, and told them to HURRY! This guy would be coming out to get us at any minute.

I got into their car so they could take me to my maroon, 70's -style car at the further, and darker, end of the parking lot. The little girl with us was not buckled in, but we didn't have time to wait, so I held her in her seat with my arm across her.

Just before arriving my car, which I had trouble finding in the dark, I got out to walk along the row. Just then... the angry harrasser stepped out of the restaurant to look for me! My adrenaline was pumping on high! I ducked behind cars, trying to make a run for mine..just get my keys out and get in that car, quickly! The man pulled out his car and nearly hit my family's car. My mom got out of the car, baby girl still not belted in, and I screamed,"No! Get back in!"

This drew his attention to me...and the chase began. He kept yelling, with anguish, "Why?" and "Where is it?"

This last part played over several times before I awoke, and left the dream unresolved.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Water Sports

I was on a small boat in a large warehouse full of water - a giant pool. The boat pulled up to a large, light-blue inflated raft which was used as a walkway to seats. There was to be some sort of water sport that we were attending.

I gingerly stepped out onto the raft, but, of course, it sank in beneath me. I knew I would not be able to walk on it, nor would I be able to climb up to the seating area.

On the other side of the blue raft, I noticed a set of stairs that led up to a ladder. I walked, ankle-deep, to the stairs and climbed up, although the stairs did not lead all the way up to the upper seating area.

From the stairs, I was able to climb onto a side rail and crawl along until I reached the upper level. This was a silly thing to do, because my hands could not carry my weight for long. Someone from the seats yelled - "You can't do that!"

I stopped, made my way back to the flimsy steps and climbed down. As I began to make my way down the blue raft, thinking...I just need to get out of here. This isn't for me.... I spotted a gate and an easy set of accessible stairs. How did I miss that the first time? I opened the gate, and began to look for the stairs. As things often are in dreams, the seating became jumbled - no space for me to sit, uncomfortable seating, difficulty in getting down the aisle to a seat. I climbed to the top and found a door leading outside.

There, my sister and her family awaited me in their van, but first..the had to go back inside and order BBQ to take home for dinner.

Ralph's Ocean House

An unknown dream friend and I were invited to the mansion of Ralph Fiennes somewhere on the coast of what looked like Central California. The dream began in a car ride to his home.

The road twisted and turned along the coast, with at times no cushion between the road and the edge of the cliff. We sped along the highway watching with the birds in the wind.

Suddenly we noticed a hand-rail on the cliffside. No house, nothing else, just the handrail. We pulled the car to the side, and I got out see what was below. At the edge, near the banister, I could see a set of stairs leading down to a house sitting on the very edge of another cliff. Much of the house was on stilts. Below the house was still water, and reflections of a few homes in the distance up the shore. It was dizzying, sickening, and spectacular.

Across the street was the beginning of the stairs that led up to Ralph's house; although we never climbed them. We just appeared at his front door the next moment.

A knock, a brief wait... and there he was. Handsome, suave, quietly beautiful and powerful. He let us in and led us up the stairs to the first floor of his home. Somewhere we knew his wife was hiding out.

This is where the oddities of a dream began. Each stair was separated by a large amount of space, and the banister stopped before reaching the top. At the end of the precarious climb, I had to crawl on the floor to make it up. At the top, I pulled myself up and stood.
The house was classically decorated, neat, clean, but dark and empty feeling - not empty in furniture, but empty in life.

We walked down the hallway, and Ralph disappeared. As we admired the view of the ocean from a hallway window, we heard Ralph argue with his wife. Things were obviously not good. The entire house and mood was dark. Outside the window, in the court below was a pool with dark blue water and a few umbrellas and chairs in a tight space. Beyond, a blue expanse of ocean.

My unknown friend left the room and went downstairs to explore more. And I was left standing there by the window, now without a top or bra on, my hands cupping my breasts in a failed attempt to hide them. Ralph came out and made a comment about large breasts being impressive. Great..the one thing I had going for me. :)
He made apologies for not being able to show us around the house, and he then returned to his wife to finish their conversation.
Clothed again, I walked around the darkened upper floor and discovered a new stairway. This too had individual steps with large spaces in between. In addition, the stairway was very narrow and had no banister. I decided to squeeze my way down, thinking that although it was treacherous, it was still better than the first set of stairs.
Along the way, I came across a man playing an instrument on the stairs, poissibly a harmonica. It was hard to get past I tried, the dream became jumbled, and I woke up.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Last Night's Dream: I was living in an older home, one I was about to sell. It had high beam ceilings over a loft area. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that the area where the bathroom is upstairs was blackened, wet and about to cave in on us.

My eyes followed the damage up to the loft area, which was visible from the living room, until I discovered a large part of the roof was missing, torn apart. Whatever had caused the damage had worked its way through the roof and into the loft.

I could see that my house, my investment, had been destroyed - no chance of selling it now. I cried, knowing I could never afford to fix it. Then I awoke.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In my latest dream,
my mom and I settle into a new house we have just rented. It's night and I have that uncomfortable feeling one has being in a new place. It's not yours yet; you feel like a stranger in your own home.

Just as I finish locking up for the evening, a knock on the door startles me. Outside is a group of bald-headed Asian men trying to get in. I turn off the lights and hope that they go away, but I turn toward the door to find that it is hanging open.

The men enter. They're looking for the previous tenant who has something these guys want. What it unclear, but they want it badly!
While there is no specific dialogue in this dream, it's clear that they make a threat and leave. This happens every night the same way - short, bald-headed Asian men enter the house at night. I lock up, chain the door and bar the windows. Each time, I turn to find the door has been opened..they enter and threaten us, the intensity increases each time.

Before evening comes, I try to convince my mom that we must move out of that house the very next day and never return. We know nothing of the previous tenants. We have no idea what these men are looking for, but we have not convinced them one iota. Our lives are in danger if we stay. In the back of my mind, I think - they'll find us anywhere we go.

One evening, I enter the home to find the entire group of bald-headed Asian men sitting my living room with my mom, and I know - this is it. I awoke.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Grotto Power

This dream began at Disneyland, where I was visiting with friends and family. An employee came up to us as we sat by the Autopia ride, and she demanded to see our park entrance tickets. We produced them instantly, and she left, but we were left with a sense of dread.

I offered to take one of the boys out of the park to get some lunch while the others stayed in the park. Upon leaving the park, we found ourselves not in the parking lot, but standing next to a river, on the other side of which was a cave entrance. Disneyland was gone, and we were now surrounded by rocks and desert.

The boy that was with me was now an older brother (which I do not have). We walked up to a woman who was standing by the river, acting as a guard or river-crossing guide. She told us to jump in and swim across the river to the cave entrance. At the entrance to this cave was a boy encouraging us by waving.

My brother jumped in first and swam over before I could decide what to do. The crossing guard told me to jump and gave me a push. I hit the water and sank to the bottom, frantically trying to swim up. Somehow, I felt weighted down and my hands felt tied, and I had this horrible feeling that I was about to drown, when the crossing guard reached down and pulled me up. Suddenly I was next to the cave entrance on the other side of the river.

My brother was there waiting for me, but he was now quite a bit older - early 20's. He waved at me to follow him into the cave. In entering the cave, we found a house and walked through the darkened front door.

All about the room were boys, 15-20's, in groups talking, fighting, laying about. My brother grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him through the dark rooms. Everywhere about us was an evil force, a foreboding, but we kept moving through.

At some point in the darkness, my brother had become Brad Pitt - tall and handsome, but evil. He kept whispering, "I can do this. I want to become the leader of the guys." Suddenly we were in a dark hallway, unable to see what the force was in front of us. It pulled us into the darkness, and then pushed us away violently. Back, back, back away from this thing we went. Fear enveloped me; Brad made me face it.

We backed into an underground grotto, water to our thighs. People, laying about the cave, stared at us, but made no move to greet us. Brad kept repeating, "I can do this. I am their leader! It's me!" I was frightened.

We waded around the corner, where Brad took a lit cigarette and put it out on his forehead. "That was my coronation." He then shoved me against a wall, pressing me painfully against it, and then backed away and waved me out of his presence. I walked back around the corner, up stone carved steps to a stone balconey in the grotto. At this point, my hair had grown down past my waist, and had turned bleached blonde. My eyes and stomach glowed white, and on my glowing belly was a crosshair sign. A woman there, who was identical to me, said, "You've just been inpregnated."

"I know," I replied. We turned our heads toward the people in the grotto and watched them. I awoke.

Animal Friendly

Years ago I had a dream where I was on the beach. I had to use the bathroom, so I ventured into an apartment building with a courtyard. As I came out from the bathroom, I crossed the courtyard. I looked up to the balconies, and standing there were hundreds of goats on their hind legs. They waved at me with one hoof, keeping the other on the rail for balance, yelling.."Goodbye! It was nice to meet you! Please, come again. Goodbye!" There was such a warm feeling to that dream. They were accepting and friendly. I never did return to that apartment building.

Love on a Pogo Stick

I have the strangest and most imaginative dreams. Last week, I dreamt that I made love with a man who was sitting on seat attached to a pogo stick. We bounced all over the room.
I know. Can't help what I dream.