Thursday, June 25, 2009

European Travel

I was travelling with a group of people somewhere in Europe. The dream began with a weathered, brown map showing where we were going - deeper into Europe.

We drove around the city a bit and came to a stop in front of an arena where a church service was about to be held. A colleague from work was with us as we gathered our things and headed into the arena. But first - I had to find a place for my bear, yes, you read right, my BEAR and my dog - possibly, my late Fabio, to stay while we were in the service.

Someone took the animals, and we got in line to get a seat. The ceiling was blue and cloudy, much like the ceiling of the shopping forum at Caesar's Palace. The seats were in rows, but scattered, as such theatere seating always is in my dreams. The rows were facing various ways - always with a view of the front, though often at an awkward angle.

We chose a pew with a high back and arms dividing each seat - a tight fit. Of course, I first had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I couldn't find my colleague, and thought maybe she had moved while I wasn't looking. I took another seat, and soon noticed my colleague was in a pew to my left. I had just gotten lost.
It turned out to be a funeral, with a picture of the person of "honor" reflected all over the walls and ceiling. It was unclear who it was, but there was music and words that I have since forgotten.

After the service, I had to find my bear and dog, but I couldn't remember who had them. This, of course, was quite frustrating, as I spent much of the dream then looking for them among all the people. Along a row of tents and vendors, I found a couple of little dogs - not mine- and I then proceeded to try to find out there they were supposed to be kept. Someone should have been minding the dogs, but was neglectful !

They raced up and down the aisles and among the vendors until we chased them to the end of the row. A man in or near a large bathtub said he would keep them. I quickly ran to the van so that we could go home.

Once to the van, I found it to be loaded with people and stuff, so I couldn't get in it! My mom was driving, but never answered when I asked where I should put the stuff or I begged for help in getting in. She just faced forward. I lifted a few things in an attempt, but I was then told I'd have to wait and fly home later with a few other people. There just wasn't room for me.

Suddenly it had grown darker, and there were ten of us in the streets with no where to go. I did know these people, but they were in my party. We walked a few blocks until we came to a hotel lobby on the corner of this vague European city. It was dark, the business lights glowed yellow. I led the group into the lobby and started to ask for a room, when I realized that I did n ot have any money. It was in the van, with my purse, etc.

I turned to my group, but not one of them offered to help me. They didn't have that much money themselves and were unwilling to part with it so that I could have a room.

I walked outside and began to think about what I was going to do and about how I would get home. Two gay men in shorts and tank tops, rolling small suitcases behind them, walked by on their way to a bar next to the hotel lobby. They were cute and fun and began a conversation with me immediately.

Moments after they left me and entered the bar, a woman from the hotel came out. She said the gay men and their buddies were going to pay for me to stay at the hotel, but not this part of it..another part. I rolled my luggage and followed the clerk down the street. She said I had to enter from the front of the church.

I asked if this would be a safe place for me to stay alone, and she responded that it was very safe and much much more expensive than the rooms my friends were staying in. Okay, I'll do it. :) Apparently the gay men were doing this because they liked my hair, according to the desk clerk. She then showed me the bill. They guys has collected $470 for my room for the night.

As the sky grew gray, we passed a raging sea, with wild, tumultuous waves racing up the shore. The clerk warned me not to go near the south side of the hotel, as the waves were very dangerous there.

There near the water was the hotel, whose entrance actually looked more like a gas station with two lanes. I was alone now, and walked up to a stand where the conceirge was standing. He took s ome of the heavy coins from my hand and told me that would cover the room, and then he instructed me to give the rest of the coins to the valet when I left. I assumed he meant as a tip - like I could afford to tip! - this was unclear and left me wondering. I heard him whisper to a c0-worker - "I hope she doesn't order room service. They didn't give her enough for it." Great - I have a great room, but I can't eat tonight.

I went to the elevator, which was just inside from a small passage, and within twisted hallways. I hit the button..and awoke.

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