Saturday, May 23, 2009

Water Sports

I was on a small boat in a large warehouse full of water - a giant pool. The boat pulled up to a large, light-blue inflated raft which was used as a walkway to seats. There was to be some sort of water sport that we were attending.

I gingerly stepped out onto the raft, but, of course, it sank in beneath me. I knew I would not be able to walk on it, nor would I be able to climb up to the seating area.

On the other side of the blue raft, I noticed a set of stairs that led up to a ladder. I walked, ankle-deep, to the stairs and climbed up, although the stairs did not lead all the way up to the upper seating area.

From the stairs, I was able to climb onto a side rail and crawl along until I reached the upper level. This was a silly thing to do, because my hands could not carry my weight for long. Someone from the seats yelled - "You can't do that!"

I stopped, made my way back to the flimsy steps and climbed down. As I began to make my way down the blue raft, thinking...I just need to get out of here. This isn't for me.... I spotted a gate and an easy set of accessible stairs. How did I miss that the first time? I opened the gate, and began to look for the stairs. As things often are in dreams, the seating became jumbled - no space for me to sit, uncomfortable seating, difficulty in getting down the aisle to a seat. I climbed to the top and found a door leading outside.

There, my sister and her family awaited me in their van, but first..the had to go back inside and order BBQ to take home for dinner.

Ralph's Ocean House

An unknown dream friend and I were invited to the mansion of Ralph Fiennes somewhere on the coast of what looked like Central California. The dream began in a car ride to his home.

The road twisted and turned along the coast, with at times no cushion between the road and the edge of the cliff. We sped along the highway watching with the birds in the wind.

Suddenly we noticed a hand-rail on the cliffside. No house, nothing else, just the handrail. We pulled the car to the side, and I got out see what was below. At the edge, near the banister, I could see a set of stairs leading down to a house sitting on the very edge of another cliff. Much of the house was on stilts. Below the house was still water, and reflections of a few homes in the distance up the shore. It was dizzying, sickening, and spectacular.

Across the street was the beginning of the stairs that led up to Ralph's house; although we never climbed them. We just appeared at his front door the next moment.

A knock, a brief wait... and there he was. Handsome, suave, quietly beautiful and powerful. He let us in and led us up the stairs to the first floor of his home. Somewhere we knew his wife was hiding out.

This is where the oddities of a dream began. Each stair was separated by a large amount of space, and the banister stopped before reaching the top. At the end of the precarious climb, I had to crawl on the floor to make it up. At the top, I pulled myself up and stood.
The house was classically decorated, neat, clean, but dark and empty feeling - not empty in furniture, but empty in life.

We walked down the hallway, and Ralph disappeared. As we admired the view of the ocean from a hallway window, we heard Ralph argue with his wife. Things were obviously not good. The entire house and mood was dark. Outside the window, in the court below was a pool with dark blue water and a few umbrellas and chairs in a tight space. Beyond, a blue expanse of ocean.

My unknown friend left the room and went downstairs to explore more. And I was left standing there by the window, now without a top or bra on, my hands cupping my breasts in a failed attempt to hide them. Ralph came out and made a comment about large breasts being impressive. Great..the one thing I had going for me. :)
He made apologies for not being able to show us around the house, and he then returned to his wife to finish their conversation.
Clothed again, I walked around the darkened upper floor and discovered a new stairway. This too had individual steps with large spaces in between. In addition, the stairway was very narrow and had no banister. I decided to squeeze my way down, thinking that although it was treacherous, it was still better than the first set of stairs.
Along the way, I came across a man playing an instrument on the stairs, poissibly a harmonica. It was hard to get past I tried, the dream became jumbled, and I woke up.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Last Night's Dream: I was living in an older home, one I was about to sell. It had high beam ceilings over a loft area. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that the area where the bathroom is upstairs was blackened, wet and about to cave in on us.

My eyes followed the damage up to the loft area, which was visible from the living room, until I discovered a large part of the roof was missing, torn apart. Whatever had caused the damage had worked its way through the roof and into the loft.

I could see that my house, my investment, had been destroyed - no chance of selling it now. I cried, knowing I could never afford to fix it. Then I awoke.