Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In my latest dream,
my mom and I settle into a new house we have just rented. It's night and I have that uncomfortable feeling one has being in a new place. It's not yours yet; you feel like a stranger in your own home.

Just as I finish locking up for the evening, a knock on the door startles me. Outside is a group of bald-headed Asian men trying to get in. I turn off the lights and hope that they go away, but I turn toward the door to find that it is hanging open.

The men enter. They're looking for the previous tenant who has something these guys want. What it is..is unclear, but they want it badly!
While there is no specific dialogue in this dream, it's clear that they make a threat and leave. This happens every night the same way - short, bald-headed Asian men enter the house at night. I lock up, chain the door and bar the windows. Each time, I turn to find the door has been opened..they enter and threaten us, the intensity increases each time.

Before evening comes, I try to convince my mom that we must move out of that house the very next day and never return. We know nothing of the previous tenants. We have no idea what these men are looking for, but we have not convinced them one iota. Our lives are in danger if we stay. In the back of my mind, I think - they'll find us anywhere we go.

One evening, I enter the home to find the entire group of bald-headed Asian men sitting my living room with my mom, and I know - this is it. I awoke.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Grotto Power

This dream began at Disneyland, where I was visiting with friends and family. An employee came up to us as we sat by the Autopia ride, and she demanded to see our park entrance tickets. We produced them instantly, and she left, but we were left with a sense of dread.

I offered to take one of the boys out of the park to get some lunch while the others stayed in the park. Upon leaving the park, we found ourselves not in the parking lot, but standing next to a river, on the other side of which was a cave entrance. Disneyland was gone, and we were now surrounded by rocks and desert.

The boy that was with me was now an older brother (which I do not have). We walked up to a woman who was standing by the river, acting as a guard or river-crossing guide. She told us to jump in and swim across the river to the cave entrance. At the entrance to this cave was a boy encouraging us by waving.

My brother jumped in first and swam over before I could decide what to do. The crossing guard told me to jump and gave me a push. I hit the water and sank to the bottom, frantically trying to swim up. Somehow, I felt weighted down and my hands felt tied, and I had this horrible feeling that I was about to drown, when the crossing guard reached down and pulled me up. Suddenly I was next to the cave entrance on the other side of the river.

My brother was there waiting for me, but he was now quite a bit older - early 20's. He waved at me to follow him into the cave. In entering the cave, we found a house and walked through the darkened front door.

All about the room were boys, 15-20's, in groups talking, fighting, laying about. My brother grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him through the dark rooms. Everywhere about us was an evil force, a foreboding, but we kept moving through.

At some point in the darkness, my brother had become Brad Pitt - tall and handsome, but evil. He kept whispering, "I can do this. I want to become the leader of the guys." Suddenly we were in a dark hallway, unable to see what the force was in front of us. It pulled us into the darkness, and then pushed us away violently. Back, back, back away from this thing we went. Fear enveloped me; Brad made me face it.

We backed into an underground grotto, water to our thighs. People, laying about the cave, stared at us, but made no move to greet us. Brad kept repeating, "I can do this. I am their leader! It's me!" I was frightened.

We waded around the corner, where Brad took a lit cigarette and put it out on his forehead. "That was my coronation." He then shoved me against a wall, pressing me painfully against it, and then backed away and waved me out of his presence. I walked back around the corner, up stone carved steps to a stone balconey in the grotto. At this point, my hair had grown down past my waist, and had turned bleached blonde. My eyes and stomach glowed white, and on my glowing belly was a crosshair sign. A woman there, who was identical to me, said, "You've just been inpregnated."

"I know," I replied. We turned our heads toward the people in the grotto and watched them. I awoke.

Animal Friendly

Years ago I had a dream where I was on the beach. I had to use the bathroom, so I ventured into an apartment building with a courtyard. As I came out from the bathroom, I crossed the courtyard. I looked up to the balconies, and standing there were hundreds of goats on their hind legs. They waved at me with one hoof, keeping the other on the rail for balance, yelling.."Goodbye! It was nice to meet you! Please, come again. Goodbye!" There was such a warm feeling to that dream. They were accepting and friendly. I never did return to that apartment building.

Love on a Pogo Stick

I have the strangest and most imaginative dreams. Last week, I dreamt that I made love with a man who was sitting on seat attached to a pogo stick. We bounced all over the room.
I know. Can't help what I dream.