Saturday, August 22, 2009

Order in the Court!

It's time for school dreams, as I prepare to go back to work. Sure, I haven occasional work dream, but they are most prevalent during this time

Yesterday, I left my TE textbook in the car, so I didn't do any reading last night. infiltrated my dreams...

It was night, of course, and time for school to start. Only, school was in an indoor, carpeted shopping mall.

I entered the mall and wandered around the third floor trying to find my room. Next to me was a colleague, Mr. H; his room was very narrow and crowded. I found my door at last and entered to find that my room was very spacious, much more so than in reality. It looked like a court room, with my desk tucked behind a large wall up on a platform. Apprently, I get to be the judge. The only problem: even though I am a 20+ yr teacher, I must travel to different classrooms for two periods. As first period ends, I prepare for the 2 block walk to another building for my 2nd period, but I don't have my teacher's edition textbook to bring with me.

Knowing that the students are waiting for me in this other building, I rush to find my book as the other teacher in my room begins his class. I see through a wired space into a warehouse next door (a la Costco) that textbooks are stored there. I lure a kid away from his classwork and tell him to get my book off the warehouse shelf. I point, and of course he can't find it. He goes the wrong direction about five times before he finds the book for me.

My frustration is building because I know that students are standing outside a door waiting for me, and I might not only lose the kids, but I'll get in trouble. Finally I get the book in my hands and make my way to the other class. It's a long trek, and I'm very late. The other building is dark and red-carpted. I have trouble finding the elevator in the long maze of hallways. Once I enter the elevator, I see that I am given only one choice of the 2nd floor - the very one I'm looking for. But no one is there - the students have left, and I know I'm in trouble.

I return to the mall, but I enter on the wrong side, so it's a long walk back to my class - which I cannot find! I enter various rooms, but none of them are mine. I pass by a shopping area and think to myself, "Great! I can shop before and after school !)", but I must trudge on for now. After trying many doors, I find mine - with another class of students in it. I realise that I did not pick up after myself before this class came in, so I go to the front "bench" and hide my chocolate before the kids see it. There is some more blurred confusion before the dream ends.